Warm the Hearts of the People of Moore, Oklahoma

Warm the Hearts of the People of Moore, Oklahoma

Hey guys. I’m sure all of you have heard about what happened in Oklahoma and it is truly upsetting. There’s an idea floating around about little baskets filled with simple origami flowers to warm the hearts of the people in Moore. Here’s the steps.
1. Buy a pack of origami paper
2. Buy little noodle boxes(at Walmart)
3. Look up easy oragami flowers instructions
4. Make about 15 flowers or so
5. Fill a couple of noodle boxes with flowers
6. Maybe even put some money in a separate noodle boxes
7. Put all of the little boxes in a big box
8. Find the address to Moore city hall
9. Put a sweet note inside big box
10. Send the flowers to the suffering!
Please help these people in need. This is very inexpensive project and will put a smile on their faces.
God bless Oklahoma. Oh and let them know what it is for in the note.


So today I auditioned to sing at a concert for my choir today, and I am terrified about how I did! I keep trying to calm myself, but my anxiety keeps creeping back. I have read all kinds of things about how to rid myself of nerves, but nothing seems to be of use. This concert is Tuesday and I have to admit that I am truly frightened. Singing has always been my dream and I would just be so disappointed that I’m not even good enough for my choir’s talent show. But I figured that I would just hold my head up high and be as confident as possible. The piece I auditioned to sing for the talent show is called L.O.V.E by Nat King Kole. I absolutely adore this song so wish me the best of luck! I will certainly keep you posted!

Struggle Between Two Forces Elaboration

We as people struggle in our everyday lives, whether its school, work, relationships, or even who gets the best parking spot at Wal-Mart. It’s not even just people. It could be the struggle between good and evil, or animals competing to survive.

Competition and struggle surrounds us all the time. Did you know that trees will compete against each other for sunlight? They compete to survive, much like us. You see, the world is a round ball swirling with competition and we are only the competitors living in it.

Passion is part of this competition. Passion drives us human beings into the most insane mind blowing tasks. Passion drives us into rebellion and change. We are compelled to act upon what we believe in. I mean come on, Martin Luther King marched and spoke for the unfairness of segregation. He had a passion for equality and justice. And look where we stand today? In a nation who’s government treats everyone equally. Passion is what pushes us to succeed and excel above all other expectations. If you have passion then the possibilities for what you accomplish are endless.

Besides passion another common factor in struggle is the forces of the good, and the evil. I’m not going to go into detail on this one because there are several reasons why one might pick either side, but I do have a short story about the matter.

A Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life, and he says,”Son there is a fight taking place inside of me. It is a struggle between two wolves. One is named Evil and he is; anger, hate, malice, arrogance, greed, inferiority, lies, and superiority. The other one is named Good, he is; joy, happiness, kindness, selflessness, benevolence, peace, love, hope, serenity, and humility. The same war is going on inside you and every other human being who walks this earth. The boy mulled over this for a minute and then asked, “Which wolf wins?” The old man simply replied,”The one you feed.”

I hope you enjoyed this elaboration and think over the story I just told. I remember when I first heard this story and it sure does have a lot of depth to it. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! And I hope to hear from you all soon. 

Words like poison

Today I was watching a show about bullying and I realized just how hurtful words can be. It wasn’t just the show, but also about how I made someone I care for immensely suffer from my sharp words. Why do we hurt the ones we care for most? I thought and mulled over answers. About both our foolish words and malice. I couldn’t come up with an answer. It would just seem silly to say that it’s “just human nature”.
Today I learned that a little boy named Ty Smalley committed suicide at the age of eleven because of the torture he went through everyday just by going to school. The children would call him stupid or push him into the wall. How many words does it take to break a child’s heart. When will the suffering stop. It seems like nothing is never enough.
You see as children we are taught that picking on others is bad and that we should always use kind words. Now count up all the lectures, videos, and slideshows we were presented over this topic. Now count all the children’s heads that have committed suicide over the same words we were taught not to use against others out of pure malice. And did you know that suicide is one of the leading causes of death in teens.
Words are like poison. They leak into the mind and cut hearts. In our world today none of that seems to matter. We call people names and put their very being down with ease. We as people speak without thought, and this often causes hurt hearts. You know we don’t say to ourselves “Maybe I shouldn’t say that. My words could really hurt them” or “I should probably be nice to this person”. Human beings have become more selfish and we tend to only care about how WE feel. But if we tried harder I bet our world would be filled with a little less grief. So next time you see someone with their head hung low try to make them smile. Or next time you just really feel like snapping at someone, take a step back and think about if its really worth making someone else upset. Go out of your way to help someone other than yourself. Even when you don’t feel like it! Because when you do it’ll start a chain reaction and the person you helped will be kind to someone else and so forth. So be the change you want to see in the world. Don’t be afraid to stand alone because people will follow.

Things to Do With Your Boyfriend


Go for a stroll around the park

Eat an entire roll of bubble gum (hubba bubba bubble tape)

Just play together (tickle fight, wrestle, etc.)

Kiss for five minutes straight

Cook together

Be artists together! (No you don’t have to be Picasso)

Carve your initials into a tree

Go bowling

Have a movie marathon (mine was Harry Potter)

Have a little fun. (skip work, sneak into a movie, etc, Nothing to get you put in jail though)

Indulge in each others company

Foot massages!

A letter book (basically a journal you pass back and forth that you write in everyday)

Plant a flower together (see if it grows)

Be sweet to each other(disgust your friends with your cuteness)

Play a video game together (even if you suck)

Learn one new thing about them every week

Express your love and passion often


Hello followers and visitors. Today will be the day that I help my fellow piers. Something we suffer through out our entire teenage and young adult lives. Who is the perpetrator? Acne. Now I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that you’ve already tried everything. Well keep reading. You may find something you don’t know and I’m not just talking about remedies.
Now what causes acne? There are many factors that affect the cause of your breakouts. Hormones, certain bacterium, dead skin cells, dirt, excess oil, and the list just goes on! How’re we supposed to counter all of those causes? I’m going to have to be honest. You can’t. It’s a hard truth but its better to accept it than to become obsessed with it. Despite that, there are methods of regulating the severity of your problem. Which I why I’m here sharing that knowledge with you. If you have an actual skin condition then I’m not sure how well this will help you if it helps you at all, but you are more than welcome to try. So lets get down to business.
There are many products and remedies that supposedly “help” your acne as long as your willing to burn a hole in your wallet. And don’t get me wrong there are some cheap products you can use that give results, but there is so much you can do without spending a dime. Your diet. You are what you eat as they say. Instead of chowing down a Big Mac or that leftover pizza in your fridge, try eating healthier options. And drink plenty of water. Water detoxifies the body, hydrates the skin, and washes away blemishes and scars. Try to limit your caffeine, sugar, and dairy intake because these are also some causes if they are eaten too often. Get plenty of antioxidants. Like water they help clear away those problems and they boost your skin and metabolism. Lemon juice also dries out blemishes but if you’re not hydrating your skin well enough then this may just increase the problem. I can’t stress to you how important it is to drink plenty of water throughout your day. It just really relieves your skin and gives you a glowing look.
Girls. You gotta stop using that foundation and powder. It does nothing more than increase the problem. Think of it as putting on a layer of mud everyday. It traps dirt and plugs your pores. I found that wearing face makeup for one day would leave me broken out in the morning. It was hard for me to stop using makeup but I did. So I know if I can you certainly can. Your foundations also have a lot of oil in them too, so keep that in mind. There’s also a few products that I’ve used and they’ve all worked. The funny thing is that they are all by Neutrogena. I use their Clear Pore facial wash/mask, their oil free sensitive skin moisturizer, and their 2 in one rapid clear gel. All very good products and they’re all cheap, but to warn those with sensitive skin the wash may be too harsh or you might just need to use it periodically.
I know it’s embarrassing to have acne, but it’s really ok. We are young and in fact it’s quite normal for us. This is one of the most awkward stages of our life so yeah there’s gonna be a lot of insecurities and mixed emotions. Not to mention that we are all the time bombarded by the media, and how they “think” we should look. All the models and stars you see are mostly fake. They’re airbrushed to look beautiful and I promise you are just as pretty. So don’t stress about trying to look like them. In fact if you stress and think about it enough the problem just gets worse. Have positive thoughts! Don’t look at yourself in the mirror and degrade yourself by all the things you think are wrong with you. Your value is in in your looks but in your character. No one likes acne and I get that, but don’t let it put you down. I really hoped this helped some of you out their struggling in being a teenager and trying to fit in. Or maybe you found yourself some peace. Whatever it is I’m glad I could help in some way. I hope to read any questions and/or comments. This whole blogging thing just isn’t as great without feedback. So live well, be courageous, and have a good day!

The few corruptions of many

Change We Seek
​Hello young Americans. We gather today to speak of our nation’s corruption. As many years have gone by our society and government have strayed away from the path our fore fathers paved for us. We have become greedy and shallow by the way we run our lives. In fact a majority of Americans know nothing of what goes on in our nation because they are too occupied with their own lives to care. This benefits the government in ways that allow them too much control over the way our country is run. That has made us look like ignorant, greedy, idiots in the eyes of other nations and has put us on the verge of economic collapse. Today I speak a truth that will not only expose the government and society, but also open your eyes to what needs to be done.
​In our nation we are made to believe that the individual is only a number. We are made to believe that we cannot make a difference. The media does this by bombarding us with propaganda they want us to believe or buy. In this nation our media makes it seem like we have one of two choices: greed or greedy. For example they never mention how Jill Stein and Gary Johnson were banned from the presidential debate because they would out do Obama and Romney and I’m pretty sure not many of you knew about them. Well why don’t we ever hear about these candidates? Power. The republican and democratic parties want nothing but power. They control the media to such a point that you never hear about a third party. When has this ever passed as just? Also in our nation the Federal Reserve (a group of bankers) make an abundant amount of money by putting America into further bankruptcy. These bankers do this by printing money with no backing (gold or silver profit) and convincing our government that it is the right way to go. The Federal Reserve prints trillions of bills that in return devalues the dollar. This causes the price of a two dollar gallon of milk four dollars. Another reason why America is on the verge of depression is because all of our jobs are going to companies in China and other countries across the globe. In this very nation politicians are allowed to lie to the American people without repercussions in order to get our vote. These are only a few of the many corruptions that live in our government. When will we take a stand? We allow liars into our government and then wonder why we are facing these problems today.
​Our government knows of everything they do; yet none of it ever registers as wrong in their eyes. Our government seethes lies and corruption like a rabid dog foams at the mouth. They slyly slip away from what is right and seek to take more power to fuel their insanity. Now they threaten to remove our right to bear arms. When will we act? Our government has shown their inability to lead our country so it is our time as American citizens to regain that ability. The Constitution clearly states that if the government becomes too powerful we have the duty to take away that power by any means necessary. Why do you think we were given the freedom of speech or the right to bear arms? It was not only to be free, it was to be able to regulate and protect ourselves from the government. When they threaten to take those rights away they threaten our power and freewill. We must keep this from happening at any cost. Or face the consequences of not doing so.
Over time our generation has been trained to look for the easy way out, but there is no easy way out here. It is time to shake that lazy habit and become courageous individuals. The American people are suffering so it is time to make a change. The youth make the future so let us change it for the better. Today is the day that we will bring justice and purity into our nation. Our time is now. If we do not act now then no one will act ever. If we remain silent we shall remain silent forever. So let us speak against our oppressor. Let us speak in the name of America and the faith in which it was founded on. When we speak in union we speak in truth and power. No longer can we be blind when it is the light that we seek so speak out. Do not be afraid fellow piers. Martin Luther King Jr. once said “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase”. Let join arms and take that first step of faith unafraid of what lies in front of us. We speak and act out of the truth. Truth prevails through every test, through every darkness, and through every lie. Friends, we will be tested; we will face darkness, and we already live in lies, but do not give up hope. It is victory we seek and victory we shall get.
I already see our perseverance leading us to victory. I dream of a nation that lives by truth and justice. I dream that unity and purity will spread through this nation and its people, and that we will once again be known as America the free. We will stride forward with eyes wide open in our pursuit for equality, truth, freedom, and happiness. I will not stop nor will I rest until I see this dream become a reality. We the people will no longer live blindly because I have a dream of bringing peace and truth in every crook of our nation, letting our victory flood the dry land of corruption bringing forth a bloom of goodness and prosperity to the hearts of America.